Sunday, February 13, 2011

Vegetarian Lasagna with Goat Cheese

I had a craving for lasagna the last couple days and just couldn't figure out how to get one that didn't have lactose in it. So I decided to make my own. I scoured the Internet for recipes and found one on that would serve as a pretty good basis. Of course I needed to adapt it a bit to add more protein and also get rid of the lactose...

Here goes!

1 C. TVP
7/8 C. boiling water
1 T Dried Onions
1/2 t garlic salt (optional)
1 lb 10oz jar marinara sauce or some other kind of red sauce
8 no-cook lasagna noodles
150g goat cheese (one roll)
2 eggs
1/2 cup fresh basil, chopped
8 oz Trader Joe's yoghurt cheese slices (plain, chopped into small pieces)
teaspoon garlic salt 
12 oz Trader Joe's yoghurt cheese (plain)
1/4 cup freshly grated pecorino romano cheese

Preheat oven to 325

First, put the TVP, garlic salt and onion in a large bowl. Pour the boiling water over it and wait about 5 minutes. Stir in the entire jar of marinara sauce, set aside.

In another bowl, combine the goat cheese, eggs, basil, chopped yoghurt cheese, and garlic salt. Stir well to get the goat cheese fully incorporated.

In a greased 13x9x2 baking dish, spread a small portion of the sauce across the bottom. (it helps to set about a half cup of the marinara sauce aside before mixing all of it with the TVP so you get a nice thin layer).

Place 4 noodles across bottom of pan.

Spread half of the goat cheese mixture over noodles. It helps to put a tablespoon at a time first, distributing them around and then spread each little glob into the others. 

Then put about a quarter of the TVP Marinara mixture over that, spreading evenly.

Then use half of the whole yoghurt cheese slices and cover the sauce. 

Put another quarter of the sauce on top of the cheese slices. (Alternately, you can put the cheese slices directly on the goat cheese mixture and then half of the sauce on the cheeses but I prefer to get everything integrated. It's up to you.)

Then put the other four noodles on top of the sauce and repeat the layering. All of your goat cheese mixture should be used as well as your cheese slices and sauce.

Then spread the pecorino over the top and put in the oven for 30-35 minutes.

Let set for ten minutes before serving and enjoy!

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