Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Vegan Mouse: VeganMoFo: Posole Stew with Squash, Collards and Pinto Beans

The Vegan Mouse: VeganMoFo: Posole Stew with Squash, Collards and Pinto Beans

This is a delicious vegan version of the New Mexican stew. I make it with slight variations:

I don't use sugar, collard greens or tomato sauce.
I used a 28oz can of diced tomatoes.
I add a half teaspoon of garlic salt and more jalapeno pepper.
And finally I add more veggies like yellow crook neck squash...

Add a few tortilla chips when you serve it and you have an absolutely amazing stew that even the non-veggies can love!

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