I hate being sick.
It's Tuesday and I just got back from a weekend in Seattle where I got food poisoning from the airport on my way home. So yesterday i spent the day in bed recovering. That sucked but wasn't nearly as bad as how I feel today which is nothing more than a common cold or flu. I don't want to complain and believe it or not thats's not why I am writing this post. Instead, I am writing to talk about the delicious vegetarian Mazzo Ball soup I just made.
When I get sick, my all time favorite thing is Mazzo ball soup. Unfortunately, it is ALWAYS made with chicken broth. That's when being able to cook has its real benefits...
Take mazzo ball mix and prepare as instructed or if you don't have mazzo ball mix either use mazzo, crushed up, or saltines, or dried out bread crumbs. just make sure it is bland and dry. crush it up real fine and add about an egg, 1T oil, 1T water, and 1/4 t salt per 1/3 C dry product. mix well and refrigerate for an hour.
Take the onion, carrots, and celery, add them to a soup or stock pot with about a tablespoon of oil. Saute a few minutes depending on how well you like your veggies cooked in your soup. Meanwhile mix up some vegetable bouillon by dissolving it in the pan. Combine the bouillon and the veggies well and added about a teaspoon and a half of garlic salt. (OK, I like my food salty so reduce here as needed)
If you didn't dissolve the bouillon in the amount of water it says, then you have to add more to the pot. I always add a little extra just cause I know some is gonna boil off or get absorbed by the mazzo balls.
After your mazzo has been chilling for an hour and your soup stock is boiling all you do is get your hands wet and take about a teaspoon of mix into your hand and roll it into a small ball. drop it in the boiling soup and continue with the rest of it. cover the pot and boil the whole thing over medium low heat for a half hour or so....
So delicious and hits the pot when you're sick!
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