Monday, August 20, 2012

Trader Joe's Cold Lentil Salad

This is a modified version of a recipe that I picked up in TJs one day. The original recipe was submitted to my TJs by a customer and then the staff made samples of it in the back. It is SUPER simple, cheap, and delicious.


1 package of Trader Joe's Steamed Lentils
1 package Trader Joe's Bruschetta Sauce
1 large Italian cucumber, diced
4 oz of Sheep's Milk Feta (the original recipe called for fat free feta which reduces the calories significantly and tastes the same)
1/2 can Sliced Black Olives

Combine all ingredients. Refrigerate to combine flavors. Serve chilled.

1/8th of the above recipe has the following nutritional value:

176 Calories
8.6g Fat
18g Carbohydrates
5.4g Fiber
8.6g Protein

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